Well as most of you know the weather up here has been on a roller coaster. It has been extremely cold and now its back to kind of warm at like –10 up to 10. Everyone is fighting off colds and dealing with bad sinus’s. The roads keep freezing and then thawing and then freezing again. We are gaining 7 minutes of daylight each day. The sun is averaging coming up sometime around 9 – 10 am and going down around 4-5 or so. Still not quite used to that idea. Everyone is burning up the trails and roadsides on their snow machines. Man I am so jealous of them, I want one so bad. But there is some good news, I think I am about to be taking a trip out to Summit or Eagle River to do some snow kiting. For those of you that don’t know what that is you can check it out on www.youtube.com . Well folks i am going to run for now. Talk to you all again soon.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Man The Weather Sucks
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Checking In
Well things are starting to turn cold again. The average temp is back down to 20's and 30's and daily getting colder. Which in my opinion is good. The snow is starting to fall again. Roads are easier to drive on. Traffic is moving faster. The mood has lightened. Its just good. So I hope you all are doing well with your days and nights. Just had to stop in and say hello and see who all is there to talk with. Hope to here from you all soon.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Man Its Hot
Well now its Thursday night and I am sitting at home wasting time and watching my room mate play the new Tiger Woods Gold Game. Mindless entertainment is a great thing up here. Well the weather has taken a huge turn to the warm side of life. It has jumped up to a high of 48 degrees above zero. Now if any of you read my posts from last week you will remember that it was -50 and worse. So as you can imagine all the snow and ice we have accumulated in the past 4 months is starting to melt away and roads are getting bad to drive on and trees are dripping. Don't think I am complaining about it being warm, but my complaint is going to be in a week or two when it drops back to -30 and what not. All that water and slushy crap leftover is going to freeze again and then we are in a world of hurt. The roads to Anchorage have been closed now for 2 days because of washouts. But man I tell you what the snow machines are out in force. You can hear them buzzing by the house and up and down the levees out behind the house. It makes me almost jealous that I don't have one, but that problem might be solved as well. But that will be another story to tell.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Well January Is Under Way
I am sitting here with a friend of mine at her work just kind of hanging out and wasting time. The weather is starting to warm up a little but. For the past few weeks it has been below -45. For the past days or so it has starting moving towards 0, thank god. It still isn't close, more like -30's give or take. But its heading in the right direction.
I have started the college education now. I am attending Phoenix University Online. So I am able to sit at home and take all of my classes from the comforts of my couch. Its kind of aggravating trying to make sure to get online and do the work. It's not as difficult as I thought to go to college. Now granted these are the easy classes and its only the first couple weeks, but I am looking forward to the rest of the degree process. So any advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated.
Cars are still freezing and no one stays outside for any more than a few minutes at the time. The trees are coated in ice and what not so it looks like trees of ice. I am going to be getting more and more pictures now that the weather is warming up a little bit.
Well you all have a wonderful day and I will catch up with you all later.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Welcome to 2009
Well New years eve was great and wonderful and trouble free. Had blast with all of my new friends here in North Pole. The weather has taken a turn for the cold. It has been anything from -25 to -58 at its worst so far. Your vehicles freeze, even with the $350 worth of winterization I had done. Just so you know unless you go out and start your vehicle several times a day regardless of whether or not its plugged in, its going to freeze and you cant make it to work. Oh and another funny piece of knowledge, propane freezes at -48 or so. I am working at a pizza place here in town and we have had to close early several times recently because of the oven getting cold thanks to frozen propane tanks. Now granted being a pizza delivery guy, I am doing ok with the tips and what not because as you can imagine no one wants to be outside when its -20 or worse. I wish I could get some pictures of what is called ice fog. You have no idea how horrible it is to be driving around all night long and its -45 and you turn your lights off when you make a delivery at a dark house and you turn to come back and you cant see your truck and its less than 20 feet away. You drive 25 to 45 mph and make sure to be as easy on your brakes as you can, cause I found tonight just how easy and can be to wind up in a ditch. Going outside to start your vehicle is a horrible task that you must endure. Your hair freezes, your mustache freezes, you cant touch metal with bare hands. And I will get a video of what happens to a cup of hot coffee when you throw it into the air and its this cold. It turns to vapor. You have to see it to believe it. But like I said I will get a video of up here for you all to check out. Anyway for now I am going to get out of here and wish you all a wonderful year and happy lives. Just remember to enjoy all that you do and make sure to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you.